YLC Charter

The All India Management Association (AIMA) is the national apex body of the management profession in India. Over the last six decades, AIMA has contributed immensely to the enhancement of management capability in the country.

AIMA has a broad base of 67 Local Management Associations including two cooperating LMAs abroad, with a membership crossing 30,000 in number. AIMA is a non-lobbying organisation, working closely with Industry, Government, Academia and students to further the cause of the management profession in India. AIMA is represented on the Boards of India's premier Business Institutions like Indian Institute of Management – IIMs. AIMA is also represented on Boards of Government bodies including the All India Council for Technical Education, National Board of Accreditation, National Productivity Council to name a few.

AIMA makes a salutary contribution to management learning and practice in the country by offering various services in the areas of testing, distance education, skill development & training, research, publications and management development programmes.

AIMA brings to the Indian managers, the best management practices and techniques through numerous foreign collaborations with professional bodies and institutions. AIMA is a member of the Asian Association of Management Organisations (AAMO) and works closely with several international management institutions like University of California - Berkeley, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management - Cornell University, The World Bank, St Gallen Foundation etc. in organising international conferences and management development programmes. To know more please log on to www.aima.in

In its endeavour to provide a platform to young leaders to shape the management destiny of the country, All India Management Association has constituted Young Leaders Council (YLC).

The objective of the Council is to create a non-lobbying platform for young leaders who are ushering in the new era of change and building the new age India to engage with each other on a regular basis. It also aims to mentor and nurture young leaders to prepare for the next wave of national transformation. Not only will it provide networking opportunities for the young leaders, but also translate the learnings from the evolution of leadership thinking in India into AIMA’s core focus in the domain.

The YLC has to take the lead in forming the Council and putting together a governance structure and AIMA will support the Council in all ways including providing secretariat support. www.ylc.aima.in

To strengthen AIMA’s mandate to be a leader in Management Development Movement across the country, by creating an ecosystem to engage with young and upcoming leaders across business, art and culture and help them realize their potential in their professional and Public lives.

The Council, over time, will serve to be a synergic conduit for business ideas, a platform for collaboration and an enabler of innovation. This channel will capitalize the great young minds of Indian business, art and culture to bring about catalytic transformation, dispersion of intelligence and conglomeration of young leadership. It will consist of Members (Young Leaders under 40) and Mentors.

  1. The YLC would be a non-lobbying body like AIMA and focus only on management issues.
  2. Create a platform for young leaders from business, arts, culture, sports etc. who are ushering in the new era of change and building the new age India to engage with each other on a regular basis.
  3. To mentor and nurture a pipeline of Young Leaders to prepare for the next wave of national transformation.
  4. Provide networking opportunities for the Young Leaders.
  5. Translate learnings from the evolution of Leadership Thinking in India into AIMA’s core focus in the domain.

The Young Leaders Council (YLC) of the AIMA shall be comprised of the following group of people. The maximum cut off limit to remain as a member of YLC is 40 years.

  1. Young Promoters:

    (Gen-next of inter-generational/legacy businesses)

  2. Founders of Startups:

    (Emphasis on first – mover advantage, revenues/marketing model innovation and market capture strategies)

  3. Young Professionals:

    (Young professional from large and medium companies who are recognized as transformative leaders);

  4. Young Professionals:

    (Young professional from large and medium companies who are recognized as transformative leaders);

  5. Young Leaders in Art & Culture/Music:

    ((Young leaders from different walks of life i.e. art, music, sports, literature, culture etc)

  6. Social Businesses (NGOs)
  7. Sports Management

    (Sportsperson of eminence in any sport/ administrator – managing a sports Body / federation)

  8. Politicians:

    (Member / office bearer of a Political Party)

  9. Bureaucrats / Diplomats:

    (Administrators managing / running Government work at Centre / State /foreign affairs)The YLC would also have other members as mentors to the organization as follows:

  1. Mentors:
  2. Permanent
    • President AIMA
    • AIMA Executive Board
    • AIMA Office Bearers
    • Director General, AIMA
  3. Non-Permanent/ Rotating:

    They are appointed in consultation with the National Chairperson of YLC, President of AIMA and Director General of AIMA

    • Representative of Knowledge Partner
    • Invited from Industry , Arts, Culture, Music, Sports, Technology, and Innovation (any walk of life)
  4. Alumni:
    • All members retire from Council on attaining the age of 40 years with a Letter of Appreciation
    • The members can continue to be part of the YLC Alumni and would be eligible to attend certain events for a fee.

The Young Leaders Council - Executive Board (YLC-EB) shall be comprised as under:

  1. National Level:
    • Past Chairman
    • National Chairman
    • Vice Chairperson - International & Finance
    • National Empowerment Chair
    • National Events CO-Chair
    • National Membership Co-Chair
    • National Brand Communication Co-Chair
    • National Mentorship Program Chair
    • National Mentors Ambassador
    • National Partnerships & Alliance Chair
  2. Chapter Level:
    • Chairman
    • Events Chair
    • Membership Chair
    • Treasurer
  3. The YLC-EB have the following roles, functions and duties:

    Immediate Past Chairman  - Vineet Agarwal - Managing Director Transport Corporation of India Ltd

    • Guiding current council with their roles
    • Advising and Mentoring Council on various Fronts

    National Chairman – Kartik Sharma-Director Agnitio & Co-Founder DcodeAI

    • Head of the Council at the National-level
    • Sets the Agenda for the Council to follow at the National and International-level
    • Oversees smooth functioning of the Council
    • Represents the Council at the National and International forums

    National Vice Chairperson – Bindu Subramaniam - Co Founder, SaPa in Schools

    • To oversee the finances of the Council, Planning Budget related aspects – Sponsorships etc
    • Suggest and undertake ways to strengthen the financial health of the Council
    • Strengthening International outreach through various Initiatives
    • Represents the Council at the National and International forums

    National Empowerment Chair – Sameer Manglani – Partner, Meena Bazaar

    • Deciding Theme of the year for Empowerment
    • Planning and executing various initiative on Empowerment theme of the year

    National Events Co-Chair – Anmol Garg – Founder, Sales5X & Saurabh Jain- Founder at Fun2Do Labs

    • Planning annual Events Calendar and  YLC flagship Events.
    • Assimilates knowledge and resources for various programs at National and Chapter level
    • Coordinates with chapter events chair to facilitate smooth programs

    National Membership Co-Chair – Santosh Kumar - CEO , Digibooster & Dinesh Reddy - Associate Director at Dr Reddy's Laboratoried Ltd

    • Devise and undertake programs and initiatives to increase the membership of the Council
    • Have a marketing program to engage and encourage corporates & institutions to nominate members to the Council

    National Brand Communication Co-Chair - Vedant Kanoi - Founder and CEO at FoodCloud & Syna Dehnugara - CBO LetsVenture

    • Devising strategy for Council’s Branding in market and amongst membership.
    • Identifying and deploying Brand Communication Strategy

    National Mentorship Program Chair - Abhishek Nath - Managing Director and CEO at Ixora Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd.

    • Ensuring regular continuous engagement on Mentorship Program
    • Addressing challenges and devising strategy to successful implementation of program

    National Mentors Ambassador – Ajay Nahar - Wipro insights Leader, Wipro

    • Formulating & representing Mentors Committee and ensuring regular interaction within Committee.
    • Devising newer initiatives to leverage from Mentors Experience and translating them to prepare Young leadership

    National Partnerships & Alliance Chair – Santosh Kumar - CEO, Digibooster

    • Working closely with internal and external stakeholders to identify opportunities for new alliances.
    • Developing and implementing strategic relationships with other organizations to increase outreach & raising revenues
  4. (Chapter Level)


    • Head of the Council at the Chapter-level
    • Sets the Agenda for the Council to follow at the Chapter-level in consonance with National Chairman’s vision
    • Oversees smooth functioning of the Council at the chapter-level
    • Represents the Council at the National forums

    Events Chair

    • Assimilates knowledge and resources for various programs at Chapter level
    • Coordinates with Events Chairman at the National-level to facilitate smooth programs at the Chapter

    Membership Chair

    • Assimilates knowledge and resources for various programs at National and Chapter level
    • Have a marketing program to engage and encourage corporates around the chapter to nominate members to the Council


    • To oversee the finances of the Chapter
    • Suggest and undertake ways to strengthen the financial health of the chapter

    Forum Chairman

    • Oversees forming of forums and arranging their meetings
    • Draw schedules and facilitate meetings at regular intervals

The YLC may form Committees to assist the National Chairman and guide on specific aspects. Committees will make recommendations for approval of the YLC.

The YLC EB shall have the following powers, functions and duties:

  1. To admit, remove or suspend a member;
  2. To manage the finance of the YLC;
  3. To appoint ad-hoc Committees and to fix their terms of reference;
  4. To fill up any casual vacancy in the YLC;
  5. To do all other acts, deeds and things for the fulfillment, furtherance and promotion of the interests of the YLC and its aims and objects.
  • Events/ Retreat/Seminars/Awards
  • B-Schools outreach
  • Surveys, forecasting, regulatory advocacy
  • Young Leaders Conclave
  • Overseas study trip

The membership fee and fee for events/retreats/Seminars/Conclaves will be decided time to time by the YLC and are subject to change.

The membership fee is valid for one year from September to August and should be paid in advance. The fees for the year 2021-2022 is as follows:

  • National and chapter membership fees Rs 5000/- + Gst Per Annum

This document formalizes the generally understood norms of conduct for Members of the YLC. It applies to all Members of the YLC. The code can be reviewed by the Council as and when required.

  1. Council Decisions

    YLC members are responsible for all decisions when finally taken by the YLC Board.

    Members are entitled to revisit decisions of the council for review, but only at meetings of the YLC.

  2. Standards
    • All members of the YLC shall conduct themselves with the highest standards of honesty, integrity, fairness and ethics, in all their activities and especially regarding YLC and in their work.
    • Shall perform their roles with competence, diligence, in good faith and act in the best interests of the YLC.
    • It is expected that Members of the YLC will make every effort to attend and actively participate in YLC meetings and Committee meetings and the programmes.
    • Shall provide their expertise and experience in the best interests of the YLC and its stakeholders. They should express their views without fear or favour.
    • Always act in the interest of the YLC and ensure that any other business or personal association which a member may have does not conflict with those of YLC.
    • It is expected that Members shall privately disclose to the YLC any situation that appears to create a conflict of interest between personal interests and those of the YLC and it's stakeholders' interests.
    • Members shall behave with courtesy and respect to all in YLC debates and at meetings.
    • When dealing with issues related to regulatory matters and government policies, members should bear in mind the primacy of the YLC and the public interest.
    • All decisions taken at the meetings of the Young Leader Council are final and all members are expected to respect such decision and abide by them.
    • Safeguard the confidentiality of all information and avoid unauthorized communication of official information received by members by virtue of their position/membership.
    • Members shall refrain from public criticism of YLC decisions, organizational policies / stands on key issues. Any such comments shall be confined to Council meetings and not at public platforms, and media interactions.
    • Only authorized member to speak on behalf of YLC.
  3. Enforcement and Non Adherence

    Any instance of non-adherence to the above Code of Conduct / any other observed unethical behaviour on the part of any YLC member should be brought to the attention of the National Chairman / YLC EB for appropriate action / resolve of the issue through a Committee. The Committee shall after investigation, recommend suitable action to the National Chairman / YLC EB

  4. Penalty for breach of Code of Conduct

    Penalty may include serious disciplinary action, removal or suspension from council as well as other remedies, including recommendations for any of the above penalty, as considered appropriate by the Council under the circumstances. Council’s decision shall be final in this respect

AIMA / YLC Logo/Letter Heads/Business Cards etc will be printed only by the Secretariat. Any unauthorized printing/usage of AIMA/YLC logo/letter head/business card etc for personal/ professional work by any Council member, General member or Non-member, would be liable for appropriate action.